ENABLE.EU: Helping politicians better understand Ukrainians’ energy needs

European Parliament in BrusselsVitalii Martyniuk, a senior expert for the ENABLE.EU project, and Head of the International Programs of the Centre for Global Studies “Strategy XXI”, took part in a meeting on energy issues with a group of Ukrainian politicians and experts on November 5-6, 2018 in Brussels, organised by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. At the meeting with Michael Gahler,Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Standing Rapporteur for Ukraine, European Parliament, Vitalii Martyniuk briefly presented the project’s results, specifically: the key features of consumers’ behaviour for choosing methods and means of energy efficiencyin the heating and coolingsector; the principal barriers for prosumers in the renewable energy sources (RES) sector; the importance of financial support (loans and investments) for Ukrainians in the energy efficiency and RES sectors, in particular from the European Bank of Reconstruction and Developmentand local authorities. Mr. Gahler was a co-author of the report on implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, and the information provided was taken into consideration.