ENABLE.EU and Ukrainian best practices presented in Paris

ENABLE.EU presented in ParisОn 22 October 2018 in Paris, Oksana Ishchuk, an expert at the Centre for Global Studies Strategy XXI, attended a conference on “New Generation Europe”, organized by the think tank Europa Nova and the Embassy of Ukraine in France. The conference was devoted to the innovative potential of Ukraine where, among other topics, the development of renewables in Ukraine was discussed along with the possibilities of direct foreign investments in the sector. In her presentation, Ukraine, a country with a huge potential. What good practices can we share, Oksana Ishchuk introduced the ENABLE.EU project and the case studies on government bottlenecks in Ukraine. On November 8, 2018, the article by Oksana Ishchuk, based on the presentation, was published on the EurActive blog in Brussels.

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