ENABLE.EU contributes to development of green economy in Ukraine

Ukraine green economy round tableОn February 8, 2019 in Kiev, Oksana Ishchuk, Head of Programs on International Information and Strategic Communications of the Centre for Global Studies “Strategy XXI” (CGSS21), presented information about the ENABLE.EU project and its key results and recommendations on prosumers and government bottlenecks in the field of renewable energy sources in Ukraine at the round table on “Green economy in the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement”. The event was organized by the Ukrainian Institute of Green Economics with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation.

The indicators of the green economy and the green transition of Ukraine were the focus of the discussion. The round table was attended by energy experts, scientists in economics, and scholars of the Ukrainian National Academy of Science. The presentation of CGSS21’s expert, as part of the ENABLE.EU project, contributed to the discussion with views and proposals on how to use RES for further development of the green economy in Ukraine.

Ukraine green economy round tableOksana Ishchuk, analyst at the Centre for Global Studies Strategy XXI and expert for the ENABLE.EU project, presented information about the project and its case studies on prosumers and government bottlenecks to the public.

In addition, the case studies on prosumers and government bottlenecks (the Ukrainian part) were distributed among participants of the round table in printed form.

Read the agenda (in Ukrainian)

Download the presentation