ENABLE.EU’s recommendations on energy efficiency presented in Kiev

Ukraine recommendations presented in KievThe Centre for Global Studies “Strategy XXI” (CGSS21) presented its key results and recommendations on energy efficiency, extracted from the ENABLE.EU case report, and its correlation with the problems of energy poverty in Ukraine at the round table “Energy poverty in Ukraine and the EU: how to harmonize approaches and policies”. The event was organized by the Ukrainian side of the Civil Society Platform of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement on February 7, 2019 in Kiev, Ukraine.

Ukraine recommendations presented in KievVitalii Martyniuk, Acting Executive Director and Head of International Programs of CGSS21, briefly presented the ENABLE.EU project along with the conclusions and proposals of the “Case study report on governance barriers to energy transition. Country report – Ukraine”. These materials were also presented to Ruta Baltause, Policy Officer on Renewables and CCS policy of the Directorate-General for Energy, and Guillaume Durivaux, policy officer of the European Public Service Union, who participated in that event.

CGSS21’s expert initiated the discussion on the possible behaviour of consumers who receive subsidies, and how subsidies could stimulate them to save energy resources and diminish energy consumption. Participants of the round table noted that the decision of the Ukrainian government on the monetization of subsidies, taken on February 6, 2019, would stimulate Ukrainian consumers to change their attitude towards energy consumption and energy saving and efficiency.

Read the agenda (in Ukrainian)

Additional information about the event (in Ukrainian)