ENABLE.EU is getting noticed!

Lights on Women articleWe must understand how citizens make energy-related choices if we are to develop efficient policy measures that will lead to more sustainable energy practices

This, ENABLE.EU’s primary mission, has never been more important, as can be seen by a number of articles that have come out recently about the project.

The first of these articles was published in Toute l’Europe, a French website that covers European policies and their impacts. It discusses the June 21 workshop, the project in general, how to get people to change their energy consumption, and the role of the EU in facilitating the transition to low carbon. Watch Toute l’Europe‘s video of the workshop below.

Read the full article (in French)

Marine Cornelis, an expert in legal and policy developments on energy, consumer protection, energy poverty, and dispute resolution, and a speaker at the June 21 workshop, published an article on her website about the workshop and the project. In it, she talks about its results and how smart metering can influence consumer behaviour.

Read the full article

Finally, the project’s findings are featured in an article by the Lights on Women Initiative of the Florence School of Regulation and on their social media channels. The Florence School of Regulation shares high-quality and relevant academic thinking on EU Energy policy and regulation, while the “Lights on Women” initiative is a platform used to shine a light on women’s expertise, publications, projects, and professional achievements, making their contributions visible to the energy community.

The article gives an overview of the project and its expected impacts, and then goes on to talk about the role gender plays in prosumption.

Read the full article