ENABLE.EU’s June 21 workshop on citizens and the energy transition

ENABLE.EU workshop invitationDo we use less electricity if we pay for it immediately? How do gender issues influence the development of solar PVs? Understanding how citizens make energy-related choices is key for the development of efficient policy measures that trigger more sustainable energy practices that enable the transition to low carbon.

The ENABLE.EU team is holding a workshop on 21st June in Paris in French and English with simultaneous interpretation. Join us for coffee starting at 8:30 am and discuss how citizens can and should be involved in the energy transition.

We will discuss research findings with various stakeholders on the topics of prosuming (when consumers produce energy), consumer information and the role that smart meters can play in improving our energy consumption. The event will be introduced by Michel Derdevet, Secretary General of the French DSO Enedis, followed by a keynote by the former European Commissioner for Energy, Andris Piebalgs, who will set the scene for the discussion with a timeline of the involvement of citizens in energy policy in the EU.

The event will then unfold with two round tables, which will begin with the presentation of ENABLE.EU’s research:

Karina Standal from CICERO will talk about how households make the decision to become prosumers and what role gender plays in this decision. The role of citizens in the energy transition will then be discussed by Kathleen Gaffney from the International Agency and Rémi Mayet from DG Energy of the European Commission. Eugénie Bardin from the French renewable energy supplier Enercoop and David Dornbusch from the solar PV company Vertsun will focus on the energy production dimension and how citizens can be empowered in this rising active role.

In the second session, Madeline Werthschulte from the University of Münster will present the ENABLE.EU case study on electricity in Bulgaria, Germany, Serbia and the UK. The topic of smart meters will be specifically addressed as there has been much debate around the technology. Hervé Champenois from French DSO Enedis will represent France’s Linky while Liene Lauceniece-Ivaninoka will bring the perspective of the Latvian DSO Sadales Tikls. Consumer views will be highlighted by Marine Cornelis from NextEnergyConsumer while Julien Gorintin from the start-up Wivaly will show how smart meter data can be used to help consumers understand their consumption.

Audience participation will be strongly valued, and dicussions will continue at a cocktail lunch, and for the curious, a visit of the Enedis exhibit.

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