Envisioning the transition to low carbon energy

The two-day Transition Visioning Workshop was held on 14-15 June 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria with 60 participants from 10 countries. Interactive work in small groups allowed all participants to speak and share their knowledge. Taking into consideration the targets set by Europe 2020 and the Energy Union Initiative, the workshop addressed the following questions:

  • What are the desired end results or functions of energy practices?
  • What are the emerging actions and practices that are considered marginal but could shape our energy behaviours in the future?
  • What are the most promising actions related to technologies, policies, and behavioural changes that will have the highest impact on individual and collective energy practices in the future?

Read the brochure

Read the agenda

Download the full report on the transition visioning workshop

More about ENABLE.EU’s transition workshops


Paul Burger – Insights from SCCER-CREST 

Giovanna Giuffrè – Outlook on the Transition Visioning Workshop

Emilie Magdalinski – Setting the scene: drivers of individual and collective energy choices

Thomas Pellerin-Carlin – What is ENABLE.EU?

Carlo Sessa – Three Horizons and behavioural insights for the energy transition

Carlo Sessa and Giovanna Giuffrè – Conclusions from the Transition Visioning Workshop

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