Testing the scenarios at the upcoming workshop

Palazzo Falletti

The Transition Backcasting Workshop will take place on 29-30 November 2018 at the Palazzo Falletti, Via Panisperna 207, in Rome, Italy. The focus of the workshop will be to get citizen input in order to refine the scenarios that came out of the Transition Visioning Workshop last June. Prior to the event, the citizens who have been invited to participate will register at the online forum so that they can begin sharing their experiences and thoughts regarding the energy transition. This participatory approach will be intensified at the event itself, where interactive work in small groups will allow all participants to speak and share their knowledge.

Participating housholds will be presented with the scenarios and asked a series of questions to get their feedback, including what aspects of the energy scenarios they consider most appealing and what, for them, are the main enablers and barriers for implementing practices that can support sustainable transitions toward these scenarios.

Read more about the workshops and about participatory foresight

Read about the Transition Visioning Workshop in June

Download the brochure

Visit the participants’ forum