Upcoming events featuring ENABLE.EU

Over the next few months, ENABLE.EU will be involved in a number of events that will talk about the energy transition and how to make this transition more successful. The project will contribute to these events with its work on the drivers of energy choices.

The Central European Energy Conference on 19 November 2018 in Bratislava, Slovakia will hold a session on the “Social acceptability of the energy transition until 2050 – ENABLE.EU for Energy Union” from 18:30 to 20:00. The aim of the CEEC annual conference is to discuss key issues in energy policy and energy security, to create a platform for a dialogue among leaders and stakeholders in the energy sector, and to contribute to finding better solutions for the energy policy of Central Europe and the EU. The topics of the 12th annual conference will cover investments in the energy sector; transformation of coal-intensive regions; energy market design, innovation and smart solutions in the energy sector; and air quality.

A COP24 EU Side Event, taking place on 6 December 2018 in Katowice, Poland, will hold a session on the “Global Energy Transition – Political, Societal and Technology Options” from 10:30-13:00, organised by ENABLE.EU, the Joint Research Centre and EUROCHAMBRES. The event will consist of two parts. In part one, some key elements of the political, economic, societal and technology options for a successful energy transition will be presented. The second part will be an interactive panel discussion with the audience to discuss stakeholder involvement and the influence of individual decisions and preferences on technology choices and the success of policy implementations.

At the European Energy Transition Conference 2019 on 23 January 2019 in Dunkirk, France, the ENABLE.EU team will present the main findings related to individual choices and will reflect with the audience on the drivers of energy behaviours, in a plenary session in French entitled, “Toi, Européen, qu’est ce qui te fait changer tes comportements énergétiques?”, which will take place from 15:45 to 16:45. 

The XIV Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics (AEEE, of which ENABLE.EU’s Ibon Galarraga is president) on the Energy Transition, Industry and Employment, to be held on 30 January – 1 February 2019 in A Coruña, is currently looking for papers on any research area in the field of Energy Economics. The submission deadline is 30 November 2018.